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Studs/Nuts FMC 440 Exhaust Manifold
Author: hemi354az (Show all albums)

Info and sources about removing, installing, sealing, corrosion on the cylinder head exhaust manifold studs and nuts on the FMC 440 engine.
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Left BOLT has a washer. Needed a barrel nut for Red/White Ventura FMC #??? on it's way to New Mexico so removed it from the right center hole, but the stud came out with it. I stuck a bolt back in there to stop the coolant that was running out. Had to machine new nut to get him going on his way.

No studs/nuts . . . just BOLTS on #120. WRONG !! Well I did have one correct Barrel Nut, but it pulled out the stud when removed. Lots of Never-Seize prevents that corrosion sticking of stud/nut.

All self locking Hi-Temp 3/8-24 nuts except for the NyLoc nut bottom row center. I prefer the nut at bottom row far left.

Note the FLAT top of the v thread on the left stud. It is typical INTERFERENCE thread form. The right one is common v thread that NEEDS some LocTite lock and sealer elixer to keep from coming out. It is one of the Dorman studs.

Ace stud and flanged self locking nut on the left, and Dorman stud, lock(?) washer, and nut on the right.

Two good nuts jammed tightly together are used to remove and install studs. Use inside nut for removing and outside nut for install. Use two wrenches to jam and loosen.

Dorman 3 each 3/8 exhaust studs , 3 lock(?) washers, and 3 fine thread nuts in a Kit. Part # 03103

Six exhaust studs, LOCTITED, ready for gasket and manifold on 440 head.

Truck/RV/FMC exhaust manifold special LONG BARREL NUT for two center head studs. It is positioned about where the manifold casting flange would stop it and tighten the center of the manifold.

What LONG BARREL NUTS look like when installed. If either has a washer . . . NOT a Barrel NUT, but a bolt that will leak coolant if removed. (picture stolen from FMC #981, Thanks)

Pair of 400/440 Low Manifolds, Part #3830247, with spark plug heat shields, and 2-1/4" flare pipe header flanges. 75-78 Dodge/Ply vans and Class C Motorhome, Driver side ONLY. ONE per vehicle. Need two !

Ceramic ended Spark Plug wires on Low Manifold. Accel Part # 9001C, about $100 set. Needed with either high or low exhaust manifolds.
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