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June 18, 2010 Minden, Nebraska--Mega Rally
Moderators: Clugston

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   Publications -> Meeting Minutes, etcMessage format
Posted 2011-09-04 3:07 PM (#1508)
Subject: June 18, 2010 Minden, Nebraska--Mega Rally

Location: Rolla, MO
FMC MotorCoach Owner’s Club
Mega Rally, Minden, Nebraska
Annual Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2010

Following a welcome by Rally Master Barney Martin to the First FMC Mega Rally, the meeting was called to order by President Bill Sitton at 5:15 PM. While waiting for everyone to gather they were invited to place a pin with their coach number on a map of the United States & Canada to show where they live. There were 21 members present at the business meeting.

Bill then asked everyone to introduce themselves, give their coach number and where they live. Beginning with new members attending a rally for the first time were………......
Kjetil Bergflodt, (Martin, Fredrik) - Vollen, Norway #477/SOB
Dave & Becky Hanson, (Mikayla) - Freeport IL #682
Carlton & Nuntawan Camyre, (Nick, Joe) - Benicia CA #888
Rufus Coomer - Springton TX #1043
Glen & Kathy Olson - Biggsville IL #622 Richard & Barbara Reid - Biggsville IL #789
Louis Cruse - Scottsdale AZ #120/No Coach

The remaining old-timers then introduced themselves including………………………
Bill & Kathleen Sitton, (Noel, Sarah) - Bayfield CO #902
Stephen Heinrichs - Dixon CA #1046
Eric Whedon - Gilroy CA #587/No Coach
Denny & Lou Shewmake , (Roy) - Canton GA #890
Gene Albers & Faye Seaney - Oconto Falls WI #146
Ken & Lynn Clugston - Rolla MO #268/No Coach
Barney Martin & Connie Kubiak - Kingsley MI #801
Frank & Suzanne Borrmann, (Jesse, Rachel) - Bluevale, Ontario
#645/No Coach
Jim Woestman - Carthage MO #617
Jim Evans & Jill Steinke, (Matt, Chris) - Colorado Springs CO #110
Bill Rodgers & Jim Steinborn - Fort Collins CO #839
Greg & Liza Miller, (Ruth, Gage) - Boulder Creek CA #708
Harry & Sandy Day – Salem OR #400/SOB
Wayne & Jerry Jacoby – Watseka IL #536/No Coach (Stopped one day for
lunch only)

Bill then made introductions of the officers and others that have assisted in the running of the club for the last year. These included,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Midwest VP: Barney Martin
West Coast VP: Greg Miller
Southeast VP: Denny Shewmake
Mountain VP: Jim Evans
International VP: Frank Borrmann
Secretary/Treasurer: Lynn Clugston
National Director: Gene Albers
Alternate National Director: Stephen Heinrichs

And our Newsletter Editors: Connie Kubiak with assistance of Gene Albers, who did a fantastic job writing his stories and reviews of our activities. Connie did an exceptional job putting together a fun and informative newsletter.

The Web Master, Jim Evans, who keeps us up and running so we can all talk and visit and keep up with all that is happening in the club.
And the Bylaws Committee, whose job after ten years was to revise them and present them to be voted on. The committee consisted of Lynn Clugston, Connie Kubiak, Jim Woestman, Denny Shewmake, and Stephen Heinrichs, Chairman.

Lastly the Rally Masters for this last year and the rest of this year, all who have done a great job……Felton, CA Nov. 2009 – Greg Miller & Stephen Heinrichs
Southeast Rally Spring 2010 – Denny Shewmake
G.L.A.S.S. May 2010 – Barney Martin
Mega Rally Minden, NE June 2010 – Barney Martin & Denny
Muskegon, MI September 2010 TBA – Barney Martin
West Coast – TBA

Secretary’s Report:
The Secretary presented written minutes for all to read from the last two meetings, the annual meeting at Rhinelander, WI, 7/25/09 and the Fall Rally in Felton, CA, 11/8/09. Both sets of minutes were approved as presented with no additions or corrections.

Lynn presented several pieces of correspondence. A thank you note and numerous ‘junk mail fliers’/catalogs about camping sites and other motor home concerns. Lynn asked what the membership wished to do with these. Keep them and have a file for information or to discard them. It was a unanimous decision to discard them as we can always research any of these needs.

Treasurers Report:
The treasurer passed out a written report of the finances for the last year. This was accepted as presented with a few questions for clarification from the membership. The current balance is $4525.14. Lynn noted that there is still several outstanding bills related to the Mega Rally.

Lynn reported that we currently have 45 paid up members with 3 more paying up as of today, for a total of 48 members. It was noted that there is currently 9 members who have not yet paid 2010 dues, making them delinquent and another 9 who have not paid 2009 or 2010 dues which cancels their memberships. Everyone was also reminded to be sure and pay their FMCA dues by their anniversary date of joining so they will be current with FMCA.

Before progressing to Old Business Lynn noted that with 21 member units present we do have a quorum of over 10% needed according to current Bylaws to conduct business and voting.

Old Business:
Jim Evans reported on the progress of creating and up dating the new Web Site and the current Yahoo Site. It is anticipated that both will have unlimited capabilities.

Reports were made by Denny Shewmake on the Southeast Mini Rally in April, 2010 and Barney Martin reported on the current Mega Rally.

In other old business there was discussion as to having some members being given special membership status due to unique or outstanding participation. Those mentioned were Jim & Jackie Black, Lenny Mach, and Karen Hoagland. Titles suggested were Honary Member, Associate Member, and Lifetime Member. There was no final decision and suggestion was made to give this more thought. Tabled for now.

New Business:
Brought up for discussion was club finances and projected expenses. There will continue to be Web Site expenses and the mailing of newsletters to those without email. How do we want to handle these. Suggestions that were discussed were dues and possible increases, having a fund raiser, having those who receive mailed newsletters pay more dues. Other concerns noted were the monies collected for Rally’s. After several minutes of discussion of the pros and cons, no motions were made, so the topic was abandoned. Dues will remain $25 to join and $10 each year after that.

Discussion of fundraisers, RE: Club cookbook had previously been suggested by a member. There was no interest in this idea at the present time and no one had any suggestions or discussion.

It was noted that as the Board comes up with needs for money they will present ideas and post these in the newsletter for the discussion and decision by the members.

The next topic of business is how many and where we should hold Rally’s for the rest of the year. Several ideas were discussed with no set plans made. Many thought Mini Rally’s in the fall would be good. As noted earlier Barney Martin would be Rally Master of one possibly in Muskegon for the Midwest. One possibly on the West Coast. These will be announced later.

The next Mega Rally was discussed. Some thought every year, some every 2 years and some thought every 5 years and just several Mini Rally’s in between. A motion was made and seconded to have a Mega Rally every 2 years on the even years. Motion passed. Place TBA.

When to have the next annual meeting had no discussion and will be decided by the board. According to FMCA guidelines we must have an annual meeting once a year.

The next order of business is voting on the bylaw revisions. Stephen Heinrichs, Bylaw Committee chairman presented information on how the committee proceeded in preparing the revisions. He then read the changes giving explanations and answering questions. A motion was made and seconded to accept the revisions. Motion passed.

The next order of business was election of officers for a 2-year term. Nominating Committee Chair, Barney Martin presented a slate of officers. The motion was made and seconded to accept this slate of officers by acclimation. Motion carried. The new board of officers will serve until Summer of 2012. They are………….
President: Bill Sitton Midwest VP: Barney Martin
West Coast VP: Greg Miller Southeast VP: Denny Shewmake
International VP: Frank Borrmann Secretary/Treasurer: Lynn Clugston
National Director: Stephen Heinrichs Alternate Nat’l Director: Gene Albers

Connie Kubiak was appointed Newsletter Editor and Jim Evans was appointed Web Master.

President Sitton gave Kjetil Bergflodt, from Norway many thanks for the wonderful presentation on his FMC and it’s resurrection. His talk was most interesting and educational, and was enjoyed by all. The pictures were exceptional.

There being no further new business, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn, Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 6:37 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lynn Clugston #268
FMC MotorCoach Owners Club

(These minutes have not yet been approved by the membership.)
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