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Posted 2025-02-19 6:43 PM (#8247)

Elite Veteran

Location: Victoria, BC. Canada

Tried out my new 'Motive Products' #1105 MTV Universal Adapter Plate (for master cylinder/MC) to bleed my brakes today.

I've never been happy with Jim Blacks' method of bleeding, involving disconnecting two tube flare-nuts on the brake-switch block then attaching 'two' flare nuts from your bleeder to it and then having at it. It's always a bitch to get in there and risk of stripping out flare-nuts is always present. Then when you're done, you still have to bleed out the two short lines back to the MC.

I've been eyeing making a 'plate style' bleeder unit and I'd already started designing my own unit over a year ago, but when I saw this it swayed me to try it out.

I read reviews on it and agree it's made really well. The major complaint was the ineffectual 'J' hooks & chains they provide to attach it to the MC.

I departed from those and went with a couple of large 3/8" U-bolts which worked well, I think.

The #1105 unit is plenty big enough for the large master we use - BUT - I was having trouble getting a good seal to hold pressure in my bleeder canister. I suspect I didn't have the plate centred properly on the reservoir.

Also, the U-bolts I found were 4" across (centre to centre) x 6" long, which necessitated marking out and drilling 4 over-size holes to make them fit. (see: pics) Slightly wider ones (say 4 1/2") might be better if you could find them.

They give you a good 1/8" or so thick rubber pad glued to the plate to seal to the MC and the U-bolt method should work with proper adjustment/placement.

Note: I spoke to a tech at M/Products and he recommended getting the plate 'sealed' on the MC first - WITH NO FLUID IN THE BLEEDER.
Once you have a good seal, let off the pressure in the bleeder and throw 2 or 3 quarts of fresh fluid in it, pump it back up and have at it.

I was able - even with the slow leak - to keep mine above 5 - 10 psi and get one bleed done before pumping it again. Once I get the plate sealing properly, I should be able to do 2 or 3 bleeds before re-pumping.

Motive also sells an nice bleeder, too.


I used a turkey baster to suck what old fluid out of the reservoir I could, then refilled it with fresh fluide BEFORE I attached the plate over it.

I could pump mine to about 20 psi but the 'so-so' seal I'd achieved leaked-down about 1-psi per minute. Still it was good enough to do each bleed station then pump it up again for the next one.

Order of bleeding: (1) furthest/rear H-vac first (2) furthest rear (drivers) wheel (3) rear pass side (4) front H-vac (5) drivers front (6) front pass side.

When I was done, the moment of truth was at hand: how much fluid would there be left in the reservoirs when I took the plate off?

Answer: the rear large reservoir actually had more in it (started @ 1/2" from the top/finished @ 1/4"). The small reservoir was down 50%.
Neither appeared to have any air into the system.

I'm stoked about this! Once I get the hang of it I think it'll make this job much easier = doing it more often!

Will report after road test.

Pics in the Album section!

Happy Motoring!

Edited by andy1canada 2025-02-19 6:52 PM
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Posted 2025-03-15 12:53 PM (#8249 - in reply to #8247)


Glad to hear it works, Terry

I ordered a Motive products brake bleeder last night from Summit Racing and it was delivered today.
Just finished looking it over and then decided to to check our forum and was happy to see that you was able to make one work.
It will be much easier I'm sure.
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